PICU Staff User Guide
Welcome! The PICU Staff User Guide will provide step-by-step instructions for finding and viewing the recommended dosage information from a secured portal website. Each dosing sheet will include the drug category, drug name, dosage information and when applicable, includes any contraindications, warnings and additional information. Browse the table of contents to find the help topic you need. If you cannot find what you're looking for, please contact support@appcatalyst.com with your inquiry.
Looking for the portal? Click here.
Logging into the Portal
- To log into the PICU Drug Dosing Guide Portal, go to https://picu.appcatalyst.com/1/login and click on LOGIN.
- At the Login Screen, type your Username and Password, then click LOGIN.
If you did not receive an email and would like to register for the portal, click on Register and fill in the applicable information
Drug Dosing Guide
Searching for Drug Dosing Sheets
- Clicking the Get Started button from the portal's welcome screen, or selecting Dosage Sheets from the upper navigation bar will take you to the dosage sheets.
This page displays a list of drugs by name and category. The category and drug name are shown on the far left.
Several search options are available when looking for a dosage sheet:
Scroll through the listings in alphabetical order
Type the drug name in the "Search Dosage Sheets" field. (covered in #3)
Filter the list of drugs by Category (by selecting from the All Categories listing).
- When using the Search Dosage Sheets field, enter the drug name, then press enter or click on the search button (magnifying glass) to filter the list accordingly.
- A list of possible matches displays. In this example, Morphine is listed twice because it’s associated with multiple categories. Be sure to select the appropriate dosage sheet by clicking anywhere in the row.
- To search for a dosage sheet by Category, click on the “All Categories” button with the dropdown arrow and select a category from the list.
- A list of dosage sheets associated with the selected Category displays. Click anywhere in the row to select a dosage sheet.
Viewing the Drug Dosage Sheets
A dosage sheet could include any of the following information:
Drug Name
Alternate Name, Another Name
Dosage information
This demonstrates where the above items will be displayed on a dosage sheet.
- For this first example, Adenosine was selected from the category of Antiarrhythmics. The drug’s category is displayed at the top, then the drug name. The contraindications, warnings and dosage information for Adenosine can be viewed. Clicking on “Dosage Sheets” or using your browser’s back button will return you to the Dosage Sheet list.
- For this next example, Morphine was selected from the Category of Sedation/Pain Protocol (Intubated). A description of the drug displays, followed by the dosage information, notes and a link to the SBS Scores sheet.
- To view the SBS Scores sheet, tap on the blue “SBS Scores.”
- Clicking the browser’s back button will return you to the drug dosage sheet, or click on “Dosage Sheets” to return to the Dosage Sheet list.
Logging out
- To logout of the PICU portal, click your “user name” in the upper right corner. Select “Logout” from the dropdown list.
This dropdown list also allows you to request a “Password Reset.”